Tagging & Bookmark tag – Word descriptions are called Tags; so Tagging refers to the act of adding descriptions to a page or section.
Target Audience – The group of individuals that the advertiser wants to target for his product or service is referred to as a Target Audience. Some parameters to be considered with regard to the target market or audience include the demographics, psychographics, purchase behavior, media or product usage.
Technorati – This word is used to describe a search engine for blogs.
Text Ad – The copy written to describe a product or service for the purpose of advertisement is referred to as Text Ad. Typically, a text ad must be to the point, representative of the highlights of the product or service and move the reader to action.
Text Links – Live inserts in a text that take the user or reader to a related page or another link are called Text Links. An advert may also be inserted in the format of a text link.
Title Attribute – This provides additional information about an element.
Title tag – The blue bar on top of a web page displays some words; these are called Title Tag. This gets displayed in the search results by the search engines; this is the reason why Title Tags are considered very important and must be worded carefully.
Toolbar – A search box that is offered by a search engine to facilitate searches.
Trackback – A method of knowing who is linking to your site is called Trackback, and this feature enables the authors of the site to monitor who is referring to their articles.
Tracking – This tool helps to know audience response to an online advertisement throughout the life of a campaign. The data this tool provides helps in refining and improving the ad, your placement options, and spending levels to better match your expected results. Typical parameters include reports on ad impressions and clickthroughs; additional analysis of your traffic and actual customer conversion rates may be had by introducing other tracking mechanisms into your website.
Trademark – A word, phrase, logo or symbol that is associated with a product or service and sets it apart from others in the same league is called a Trademark. Trademarks have to be applied for and are assigned based on location; in other words, trademarks are assigned on a country-by-country basis and different owners may claim the same trademark so long as they reside in diverse locations or operate different industries.
Traffic – The number of people who surf or visit a site are together addressed as Traffic.